Welcome to my little blog that could

Welcome to my little bog that could!!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Another Day

Well, I feel like a complete failure as a homeschool mom. I cannot seem to get my son to write his work. An unfortunately, his online school requires that. His attitude is so poor this year. I pray moment by moment for him to man up and get his stuff done. I am so discouraged today.

God's word tells me that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me but I really need some strength. Relying on my own is not working.

Today is a beautiful gift from God, I want to use it as such.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Busy Busy Times and THE SALE!!!!

Well, now I know why I never start school until AFTER the big consignment sale that I do every year. It is just way too hectic to keep up with them doing school while I am trying to get ready for the sale. So, we will be working extra hard next week to get this week and last week ready for week 3 and 4 turn in. Guess this having to turn things in will be an adjustment for both kids and MOM.

Claire is getting along swimmingly as they say. She has all As and Bs and loves all her new friends!!! I am so incredibly proud of her and she is proving she can shine wherever she is!! I so wish all of you could experience the joy that is my 16 yr old, I am blessed at how easy going and hard working she is!! Wow, who thought I would say that!!!

We continue to struggle with Lukey with writing his work but are working with him on a few things that might help. He is so smart that I hate something so simple to get in his way. He knows the material but doesn't want to write it and I so can relate.

Jason continues to work on painting the house trim. Today we made a $300 trip to the home improvement store and got a new door bell (the chimey one I have always wanted), a new light fixture for the porch, a new door bell button to match the light and a new column to hold up the canopy on the front porch. He always does such great work I know it will be FAB, I will post pics when it is done!!!

The sale is going VERY well, I had almost 500 items, about 350 are bows. My hands were so sore after putting together so many things but it will be worth it when the check comes. If you have a chance to do a JBF sale, I highly recommend it, and volunteer too, great way to get out of the house and have fun with some ADULT women!!! I love my weekends with the sale even though they are hectic. Now, if I could just learn to get ready for them earlier!! But no matter how tired I get, it is all forgotten when I get that check!!!

So, with the weekend underway, I am cleaning up a storm as the house becomes the aftermath of an indoor F5 tornado during sale week. Laundry getting done, living room getting found, dining room getting ready to have edible food in it again...life is good!!! I could not ever think about my little ones being away from me for a whole school day....it is worth the mess.

Friday, September 4, 2009

We made it

Well, through 10 hours in the car and numerous bribes for good behavior, we made it to Missouri. This am we got out the books and computers and cracked open for our day of school. Well, my usually compliant and speedy working Moo, decided today she would give me fits about doing her work. Lukey, did well for about three minutes and then once again, the bribery began. We have a constant dance that is well perfected on how to bargain out of school work. I have had a rough time getting him wanting to work as the according to the calendar and weather it is still summer. So, when we return on Tues we will be handing in his first round of work, some of which is not done. I am not going to knock myself out finishing it, his teacher can make comments on it, she already told me not to hesitate to call her if he isnt wanting to work and I have taken advantage of that. He will turn in what he has and she will comment on it.

So, we made it here, we are trying to get work done and we cant wait for the party on Sun!!!

God reminded me this today

2 Samuel 22:18 (New International Version)

18 He rescued me from my powerful enemy,
from my foes, who were too strong for me.

His reminding me that he has rescued me from all the evil that tries to invade me is enough to sustain me until His grace and mercy is renewed again at the start of a new day!!!

Go get em today, follow God's will for your life!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

So Flexible I might Break!!!

First let me just say, I am praying in earnest for those in Southern California who are suffering from the forest fires. This seems to be a constant battle for those who live there. I cannot imagine the battle as we here in Denver are getting the side affects from their fires in the way of low air quality and smoke!! Blessings to all who are suffering, makes my struggles seem insignificant.

Now on the that flexibility factor I talked about.

Start with first things. My parents will be married for 50 years on November 29th so we are having their 50th anniversary gala on Sunday, complete with family, friends, balloons, cake and lots of well wishes. So, the plan was that as a family, we would leave Denver heading East to Missouri on Friday morning. When I say as a family, I mean all 5 of us, including daddy. Well, he called me yesterday and said, "I won't be able to leave on Friday so we will have to leave on Friday night." AHHHHHH is what was said in my head but I agreed instead to look for a flight. Good ol' Frontier cheapy airlines, $75 one way to KC, done. So, instead of waiting until Friday to leave, the kids and I will be leaving on Friday with me doing all the driving there.

So, big deal, why the flexibility here? Well, first, that means I have to be ready to leave in one day instead of two. Secondly, it means taking all the kids computers and work with me in the car and hook up the multi port modem in at the parents. And more selfishly, I was planning on using the 10 hours there AND back to sit my rear shot gun and make bows for 20 hours since there is a sale I am showing at on the 10th. YEAH YEAH YEAH, I know, I shouldn't be so selfish, but darn, I don't want to drive the whole way alone. However, I also HAVE to be there on Sat to help set things up in the hall for the big hooplah. I just do better when I know the agenda and get to choose to mess it up or change it all on my own!!

If I change or lose the schedule, I am fine with that.....but to have to be flexible for OTHER ppl, I mean sheesh, what do you want from me.