Do you remember what you got for Christmas the year you were 4, or how about when you were 11 or 14 or even two years ago. Most of us would have to reply negatively. But still we exhaust ourselves this time of year getting the perfect gift or a bunch of gifts for our friends and family only to have them be forgotten (or broken) all too soon.
Have we forgotten that the real gift for Christmas is life, the beginning of a life that ended some 30 years later in a disgraceful and anguished way. The gift of life is given to us in how his life ended, ugly like sin, and the empty tomb on the third day. We must remember that our eternal life is a precious gift, not a trinket, that gives us eternal life with God our Heavenly Father.
Have you forgotten the real gift.....
1 Corinthians 15:29-58
It's not about me, it is about what Christ is doing IN, THROUGH and AROUND me.