Ok so you see that my poor little blog is neglected. So here I am again, to tell you of nothing if importance but it is my life.
Man, it has been a rough year in terms of school, I feel like we are eternally behind. Little Man has been a hard on to stay on task and he has a LOT of work to do. Mom won't tell him but so much of it is just busy work but he still has to do it. His teacher is working with us but I wish someone else could take a week of this and sit here with him for 5 days and get caught up. I personally like the online program, and he loves the computer portion, so cute they both have these little 10" laptops, but writing is tough for him and he struggles.
So, now, on to Claire. She is an amazing gal, and the other kids at school are so happy to have her there. Never thought I would say this BUT, she is the on who always has her homework done and helps other kids with theirs......I about FELL out of my chair when I heard this. She remains steadfast in her call to be a missionary and God is doing great things in her life. The transition to a new church has been difficult for her, we have attended our former church since she was a 4th grader and change is always difficult. Oh, and she auditioned with CYT Denver (Christian Youth Theater) for a part in their winter production of the musical Narnia and she will be a fighting Narnian....we are waiting to learn exactly what that is. Her first practice is Friday and she will be taking classes with the group as well. The production is the end of January and she is very excited. Mom will get in on the action doing costuming, staging and makeup, really looking forward to it with all the creatures there are...the costumes and makeup will be so fun!!!
Moo is well, Moo. She hears a different drummer than most of us and we rejoice in that. She is as stubborn as the day is long but laughs through life and enjoys everything she does. The other day, we were in the car and the dog was with us. I had stopped and gotten the kids some McD ice cream cones. I heard her say to the dog, "Now sweet tea, I know this looks delicious but it isn't for you, it will tear up that little tummy of yours!" What a trip, things like come out all the time. When we pass a vehicle on the side of the road, she says, "That can't be good." Gotta love her!!!
I have begun wholesaling my bows and other wears and it is really kicking me in the rear. I love the fact that I get a big order all at once and the money is good but it takes two little hands a long time to make $200 worth of bows. It is worth it when I hear the client say that every last one of my bows sold at their show and they will be back. I have recently approached some stores in town and on the web to see if they would be interested in carrying my items, haven't heard back yet but am hopeful.
So how about some current pics of my work and my kiddos, and maybe a few of me....
You can see him saving our damsel in distress (Aka the dog in costume). a super hero's work is never done.
Then there is always the little sister, and his best bud, that needs to get in on the action. Poor guy, has two princesses to save.
So, the princess was on the prowl too. she has been a princess of some sort or another every year since she was born. Nothing like a girl that knows what she wants. Next year I am certain we will be another type of princess.
I would not be a true enterprising designer if I did not share the head wear that I made....course as with everything else I make for her, something is wrong. This one is itchy. She will wear a cheap tutu all day long but my stuff......UGH keeping me humble.
Ahhh yes, the joy of having two teen-aged drama queens in the house. But seriously, we love Lauren and look forward to whenever she is around. Even though both young ladies are in drama, they are so much fun to be around. This night they were on their way to a friend's b-day party on the night before Halloween, Claire a gypsy complete with the dangle earrings and henna tatoos on her feet (thanks Lauren and her sharpie) and Lauren was a dark enchantress.......YAY for Target and KMart costumes revamped. These two gals are going to be the death of their dads when time to be asked out comes around. BUT you will never have the privilege
to meet two more grounded gals!!
This is what I get for asking them to pose however......drama....lol. The thing that they get tho, is they both have younger sisters so when they are hanging out, the youngers always want to be a part of it!!!
So serious........do they scare you??
And I noticed that they each were able to find a way to wear a Three Blessings
And here is some new work......and me...
Beanies are all the rage and I am loving these singed flowers, I have a tutorial written on these, let me know if you'd like to purchase it.
I love this little guy....for sale!!!
No way do I have a ribbon and crafting addiction.....NO WAY!!!
And now ME....notice, the flower in her hair....
and in mine. I told you I just LOVE these singed flowers......
www.threeblessingsbowtique.com for my items and tutorials.
Have a blessed day!!!
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